Tuesday, November 10, 2009

acorn caps

I’m always looking for different ways to bring bits of nature into my home. I am especially fond of acorn caps. The little hats fit snugly on many things since they come in different sizes. Here are a couple glued onto the corks of little glass bottles. One holds tiny glass seed beads. The other is filled with an ancient red dye, a powdered pigment made from the crushed cochineal insect. In the foreground you can see one of my many beaded acorn pincushions.


  1. I love your acorn creations. Whenever I see an acorn top I think about you. =)

  2. I love the acorns as bottle stoppers! These would be perfect for my daughter's "potions" : )

  3. i love this, what a great and whimsical idea :)

  4. http://believingnature.wordpress.com/2009/12/02/acorn-caps/
