Thursday, December 3, 2009

Being Thankful

This Thanksgiving was by far the best I’ve ever had. I cooked, family visited and we had a relaxed, fun time being together. Everything went off without a hitch. Now that it is over I realize what made it so special. The very things that I am most thankful for, the intangibles. The intangibles can’t be seen in these pictures. They are not the food or the stuff, they are invisible. They are faith, love, joy, health and many other things that without them the tangible things in life are meaningless. What good is a well cooked bird if it shares the table with pain or discontent? You will be amazed at how thankful you will become when you begin to count your intangible blessings.

I am thankful for my place at the table. I am thankful for the cleverness of a daughter who figured out where everyone should sit, made place cards, and set about to make it all look nice.

I am thankful for a husband’s thoughtfulness. When passing by a yard sale, he grabbed the squirrel/nut dish because he knew I would be crazy about it. I love that he gave them money for it even though it was in the box marked “free”.

I am thankful that the people who really know me love me anyway.


  1. You slay me. I would venture to say I know you fairly well, and love you all the more that I do. Your worth is far above rubies and I am blessed to call you friend and mentor. ~Michelle xo

  2. you are an intangible blessing in my life. =) wonderful photos.

  3. this brought tears to my eyes. this year was the turning over of a new leaf for me. my mother has been dead for almost four years now and it's been three years since my dad has seen my family. for thanksgiving this year, instead of being miserable about the people missing from my life, i was instead thankful that i was surrounded by people i love and who seem to love me too, despite knowing me. and if i had been with my birth parents there would have been a lot of the discontent to which you refer. it's nice to be done with that part of my life... spending time with people i don't like.

    love the squirrel dish and how you obtained it. sounds like something my honey would have done for me :)
