Monday, December 28, 2009

Special Gifts

I have been blessed with a husband who is attracted to and appreciates the same things that I do. So, it is no surprise that I am head over heels for the gifts he picked for me. My birthday is very close to Christmas so I received not one, but two wonderful pieces of hand made pottery from Bauman Stoneware. This photo of the pumpkin teapot and acorn casserole speak for themselves of their amazingly gifted creator. All I can say is that they are beautiful and magical as everything concerning Christmas should be.


  1. Hi there,

    and thanks for the blog mention. I'm glad you like the pottery. You've got a delightful site here and on Etsy -- whimsical, creative, and very well executed!

    John Bauman

  2. Oh my, how perfect for you! They are both sooo lovely.

  3. Oh my, they are so perfect for you! They are both soooo lovely.

  4. Wow! Those pieces of pottery are absolutely magical indeed. What a great birthday present!


  5. how wonderful. happy belated birthday. i'd love to see more photos of the treasures in your home.

  6. Birthday presents like that are so cool!
    Too bad my husband has yet to buy me a gift that cool. :-P
    Come check out my blog- I'm a crunchy mama of 2 little boys, striving to live a healthy and wholesome life.
