Monday, February 1, 2010

Swirly Bucket Bag

When you have children in tow it seems that you cannot carry enough in your bag to meet all foreseen needs. It starts with diapers and it just snowballs from there. They grow out of diapers but there is still always the inevitable stuff to cart around. I like to be prepared. My kids get splinters, they get stung, cut, muddy and itchy. They require potions and potties, and sometimes underwear. They are hungry or thirsty. According to the season our car is also stocked with a certain amount of stuff that may be required. There are sun hats and lotion, binoculars, sketch books, field guides, nets and jars because you never know when an interesting critter may cross your path. Oh, and extra clothes. My eldest has the unfortunate habit of falling into any and all bodies of water from puddles to ponds to oceans. She’s done it all. It’s enough to make you forget to pack your own stuff!

In the warmer months I usually have a back pack for everything but that doesn’t work now with a puffy winter coat. So I carry a large shoulder bag that serves as a “purse” but I don’t like the rattling around of snacks and water bottles in there. I wanted something other than a big floppy tote for the extras, something with a bit of structure. I made the bucket bag. I call it that because it packs up with the ease of a bucket or basket. Things stand up in it all nice and orderly, not all flopping around. I wanted it to look wintery, this fabric reminds me of swirling snow or ice. It’s made from upholstery fabric so it’s heavy and stiff. It’s small but roomy enough for food, bottles, my knitting and even a stowaway doll or two.


  1. I need three of these...I never got to enjoy the "no diaper bag stage" before I had one stuffed with things for two! I am always in search of the elusive "everything can fit bag." These would be excellent on your etsy site!!!! ;0) wink...wink

  2. i am seriously addicted to bags because i feel as if i need one for a million different purposes! my kids are the same way. :)
