Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Peace

Last Thanksgiving I entertained a house full of family and it was great. This year we will be celebrating with friends at their home. And boy do they celebrate! There will be an abundance of good things. Every traditional Thanksgiving food will be spread out before us. There will be two turkeys, one roasted and one deep fried. Friends, music, games, a couple of dogs and probably  some silly hats will complete the jovial scene. Above all that, together we will thank our God for blessing us so richly. On the eve of this good day I was left with not much to do. No cooking, no house to get ready. So I took the girls out for a very chilly nature walk. I brought coffee and donuts and went searching for the perfect spot for our “coffee party”. When the girls ran off to climb rocks and play in the leaves I just say there enjoying the silence. I watched as a tree lost it’s very last leaf. It gently fluttered down very dramatically, in slow motion. That’s when it hit me- Peace. I am so thankful for the peace in my life, the peace in my home, the peace in my spirit. With a culture always on high-speed peace may seem hard to come by. But peace is free and peace is calling.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.”
Colossians 3:15


  1. Your post reminds me about one of the things that I love about is the slow holiday. It is a time for reflection. I think that is a little bit why I hate black Friday so much. We (as a society anyway) wake out of this time of peaceful reflection and thankfullness to run down to the electronic store at 5 AM to get $100 off a computer.

  2. D.Dahl-
    AHhhh! I was just complaining to my husband about that very thing. I despise black Friday.

  3. I am thankful for peace whenever I have it as well. It's a priority for sure.

  4. Thank you for sharing this moment with us.
