Saturday, March 23, 2013

the coat:the project

It all started with this coat. My husband was shopping for a winter coat. He lost weight after finding out he has diabetes and all of his warm coats look like tents on him. He was trying on coats, I was hanging around waiting to give my opinion. That's when I spied the faux fox collar poking out from the sea of black and gray. I meandered over just to touch it. I tried it on and looked in the mirror. I was smitten. 

From that moment on I needed a coat like that. I have never worn a light colored coat...ever. It's all black and reds over here. 
My logical (frugal) mind said, "But you do not need ANOTHER coat." OK,  but now I really really want a coat with a collar like this. Isn't it funny how you could have no idea that you "need"/want something until you see it. The advertisers can count on it. I walked away with that coat stuck deep in my mind. 

So, I made a deal with myself. I decided to look at it as a project, a puzzle. I calculated the amount of money it would cost (not to mention time and effort) to make the coat. Way too expensive and thinking about putting in that lining made me sure I wasn't doing it. I began scouring Ebay for a wool camel colored coat. 
 I struck gold with this beautiful vintage coat. I always say that God loves to surprise us with little treats and it's true. I bid on it and waited. Nobody else bid and I got this coat for $7.50!! The original coat had cheap black plastic buttons ( I would have changed them). My coat has gorgeous big wooden ones. It is beautifully tailored, the lining is perfect.
 Now, about that fur collar. Again it was Ebay to the rescue, I found the perfect faux fur. Just what I wanted, it was around $15 for 1/2 yard. Yay! 
I love this coat way more than the one I first had my crush on. It's longer, the fabric is richer, the color, cut and fit is perfect. I don't even like the other one at all when compared. Isn't it funny how fickle we can be? In our instant gratification culture it can be hard to wait for something when you want it badly. Every single time I have waited though it has been well worth it. 


  1. Oh, I am so happy for you! I love when patience and self-control pay off in such a direct way, and I can relate to the thrill of finding the perfect item for such a steal. And what a lovely coat it is! I can just picture how it will complement your dark eyes and hair, and how the cut will fall just right on chilly autumn days, as you nestle into that warm fur.

  2. Gypsy-Girl,
    I love your poetic comment, you painted a lovely picture for me.

  3. Dear Eve,

    What a gorgeous coat, and warm, too! I'd say everyone needs another coat, if it's calling out to them for as long as yours was. :)



    p.s. Too bad your daughter can't come over and play hobbit and dwarves with my girls; they're reenacting the "Unexpected Party" scene {and videotaping themselves as the different characters} right now.

    1. Oh Marqueta, I wish we could just "beam" over to visit you!!

  4. it looks fabulous on you. well done in all sorts of ways..

    1. Thanks Andrea! Do you see the bookshelf in the background? Thanks again for that, it matches the dresser perfectly.

  5. That's a lovely coat! I've never had a light colored one either - always black or deep blue.
