Monday, June 24, 2013

Ready Veggies

I often eat vegetables at every meal. Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and even snacks. I don't do this only to be healthy, but I actually like it! I crave them. 
Friends will often say to me that they wish they could eat more veggies. "What's stopping you?" I ask. The main answer in that it is just "easier" to eat other things. They say that it's a hassle to eat raw veg. for snacks and sides. "You don't have to cook!" I say. 
Yes, but as they are busy moms it's not easy to stop and prep vegetables. It is easier to whip out some cheese and crackers, a slice of bread smeared with peanut butter. Those things can be o.k., but why not put out some raw veggies alongside? 

My secret? Just have vegetables available all the time. It's fast food! Before I grocery shop I'll clean off the counter and lay a towel out. (Also clean out the sink.) When you get home fill the sink with water and whatever soap you use to wash your veg. I plop it all in the wash before it ever gets to the fridge.
Lay it all out to dry while you put everything else away. By the time it is dry expect some of it to be gone! Everyone who walks by grabs a bit here, a bit there. Which is exactly what I want. 
 I put everything away in towels or in suitable containers and everyone knows that it's up for grabs. Ready and available fast food. Putting a plate of veggies, fruits, even mushrooms or herbs is a guaranteed invitation to eat it. Let's face it, we humans are lazy and if we are hungry we will go for the easiest thing we can lay our hands on. That's how chips and candy get devoured instead of healthy food. When we are hungry we'll grab what will fill that need quickly, but our bodies are not being fed what they really need.


  1. I LOVE this idea! Prepping vegtables definitely takes a bit of time--but being prepared sounds like such a great way to make it easier! (I'm definitely going to try this.)

    1. YAY! I am so glad you will give it a try. I'm pickin' veggies all day long, I wouldn't if I had to stop and prep each time. Also, they can sit a long time if I get too busy to put them away. So, no pressure!

  2. Great idea to prep ahead of time! I always think of it as so easy to rinse a few carrots or cucumbers that I never thought of making it easier, but you always have neat little tricks and I'm so glad you share them with us.
    Over here we all just love raw veggies, and we eat them as snacks often, but I only serve raw veg as a side if it's just the kids and me eating. Somehow it feels less fancy than cooked. So, for dinners I purposefully do work that makes them less healthy just for a silly reason like that.
    One of my favorite side dishes is shredded raw carrots (I use the food processor attachment which makes it a cinch) with a dash of whatever vinegar I favor at the moment. It's so easy and refreshing, and I just love snacks that crunch. I also like to eat vinegar on diced tomatoes or diced cucumber with celery salt. Yummm.
    By the way, I spy your zoo teapot! So lovely.

    1. Ha! That's funny that you remember that pot came form the zoo.

      I also love vinegars and citrus on shredded raw veggies. I especially eat a lot of cabbage, radish, beet and carrot.

      I am always glad to hear if my tricks can help others and I am always on the lookout for any new ways to get things done more efficiently...leaving more time to play!

  3. I needed to read this today. I really don't enjoy food prep but I will try washing everything at once and see if it helps.

    1. Melissa-
      If you are trying to eat more vegetables, It really works! I have a counter full drying right now. I also have a pot of lentils cooking away. That's another thing I do after shopping. I'll cook dry beans or pasta, pop them into the fridge. Makes cooking dinner, when I have no time much easier.

  4. That's so smart. If only I planned when I was going food shopping. But I will try this.

    1. Hi Vanessa!-
      So first step for you is to get your regular food shopping day figured out. Makes life easier. Mine's been the same for years, pay day.

  5. So glad I dropped by, your blog is lovely, indeed! Thank You so much for your very kind comment over at my little blog, as well! There is so much to learn here!! : )

    1. Thank you! We're all learning from each other here in Blogland.

  6. Dear Eve,

    That's such a good idea, creating a nice display of everything to whet the appetite! :) I've noticed that certain veg go faster in our house than others: cucumbers, peas, and tomatoes disappear like magic, while carrots (which I buy in huge bags since they're cheap) are the last choice, unless someone cuts them into cute little shapes, of course.

    1. Yes- that's true Marqueta, certain veggies go quicker that others. Some disappear faster when cut up in appetizing shapes. Over here they ask me not to cut carrots! Chomping on a carrot like a bunny has a certain charm I guess.

  7. This is inspiring to me. It's like you read my mind! Sometimes we don't eat as many veggies just because they're not ready to go! Sad. Going to do this. . . thank you. Plus, I've been on a jicama kick, and there's one waiting for me if I'll just go get it ready. Thanks!

    1. I am glad to hear that you'll give it a shot. Really makes all the difference in what we eat, having food ready. It feels a bit like a pain while your are preparing all that at once, but through the week you'll see how worth it it is. I love jicama!!
