Friday, February 14, 2014

Snowing and Knitting

If I had to go out everyday I would have a much different outlook on snow. But since I don't...I like it. I enjoy being holed up with lots of tea and knitting. My girls have also taken to knitting these days. I asked my husband last night, "What did I do all winter before knitting?"
I answered my own question. I read. I mean, I read more. I still read. I read quite a bit in fact. I always stayed up a bit too late reading. Now I stay up a bit too late knitting.
I don't exactly NEED more warm clothes. It's certainly not a necessity to knit these days. It's fun, it's relaxing and it feels good in cold weather to cozy up with a pot of home brewed chai and some nice soft yarn.
Here's my latest, a lacy shawl. I had to keep breaking the yarn and making little balls to knit with to get the colors exactly where I wanted them. It worked out and I'm happy with it. 
I'm also happy with the brand new/made in London burgundy leather skirt I thrifted this week. Just right with the new shawl.

I had to give you a little peek of my Shirley Temple doll this week as a tribute to her.


  1. Dear Eve,

    What a gorgeous shawl! Our tried and true church-going shawls are getting a bit shabby~ someone must learn to knit a.s.a.p.! I always think I'll have lots of time to spend doing crafts during the winter, but end up trying to make up for the housework I didn't do during the last growing season. Never a dull moment!



    p.s. I was sad to hear of Shirley Temple's passing as well. I'm sure lots of folks in Heaven will be glad to see her!

  2. That is such a pretty shawl (as is everything you make!) I especially like the way you incorporated both daintiness and coziness. And I'm hoping I'll get to see the burgundy skirt on Sunday. :-)

  3. Gorgeous shawl! Winter is/was exactly the same for me pre and post-learning-to-knit. Reading, a lot more reading. Now that I've learned to read and knit at the same time, a lot more "mindless knitting" goes on as I read aloud to the munchkins. And more mindful reading, since I choose what I read more carefully, due to limited time. My priorities are perfectly sound; knitting first.

    1. Homeschool Story- Thank you for your comments, I appreciate every one. Love to hear from like minded folks! Another great thing about knitting and books, they are both so portable.
