Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Four-Leaf Clovers

My daughter has a knack for finding four-leaf clovers. A year ago she started this little book to document her findings. All of the clovers on this page were found at one time. That’s how is usually goes with her, she finds a few at a time. She also keeps some three-leaf ones. “Real” four-leaf clovers come from the White Clover plant, this is considered to be the original shamrock. There are other plants that are passed off as four-leaf clovers like Oxalis or Pepperwort because they produce four leaves, but they are not genuine shamrocks. One way of identifying a real four-leaf clover is that the fourth leaf is usually smaller than the other three leaves.

In Irish tradition the Shamrock or Three-leaf Clover represents the Holy Trinity: one leaf for the Father, one for the Son, one for the Holy Spirit. When a shamrock is found with a fourth leaf, it represents God’s Grace.

My daughter recently found this little oddity, a Five-Leaf Clover! These are much rarer than the four-leaf variety.  She took these photos herself, then pressed the plant to get it ready for her  book.


  1. My MIL has the same knack. So cool.

  2. Well, that is all so interesting! I believe she got that knack from me, her old Auntie Kali in Albany! Keep peeping Lydia!! Next time I see you we can compare books! Love to all!

  3. Hooray! Ti Ti Kal commented! - So glad you are there. Yes, you definitely passed on that knack to her.

  4. lovethe pressed four leaf clovers... so sweet!

  5. Collecting something and keeping it as a record is an interesting one. You said that ur daughter has the habit of collecting the different number of clove leaves great.

  6. Love this post. something about clovers interest me. :]

    Its convinced me to follow, please follow my blog too :]

  7. I found one today!! I didn't even know there was such a thing!! Thank you for sharing and allowing me to know that I was not crazy when I said I found it!! :) Mary Anne
