Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mad Alice & White Rabbit Alice

Yes, more Alice in Wonderland dolls! I can’t resist a chance to get involved where Alice is concerned. Here are two new Alice dolls I made for the
I call this doll ‘Mad Alice’ because while I was sewing up the dress my six year old said “That doesn’t look like Alice, it looks more like The Mad Hatter”.  So I said, “all right, I’ll make Mad Alice”. I painted her eyes up to look mad (as in angry). My original inspiration was Alice Liddell, the “real” Alice, the girl that Lewis Carroll wrote his Wonderland stories for. She wore ruffled Victorian dresses and always had a somber face in the photographs that Carroll took of her. Blue hair just seemed to fit the mood.
There she goes showing off her stripy bloomers, very inappropriate!

This one I call “Alice the White Rabbit”.
 If Alice can shrink and grow, playing cards and cats can turn into queens, isn’t it also possible that Alice can become the white rabbit? Remember, it’s a dream after all. 
Here she is just starting to change, still mostly girl but her hair and face are on their way to becoming bunny.

I also made a White Rabbit toy for Alice.

Fabric covered with white rabbits was the obvious choice for her dress. She has lace trimmed bloomers and painted on black mary janes.

Last year I made a "Growing Alice" doll and a Queen of Hearts doll for the Go Ask Alice Doll and Plush Show. If you would like to see them they are HERE on my Flickr.


  1. Lovvve them all!!!!! Keep up the awesome work sister!!! Can I post a couple of these photographs to the Swan Sister's Page on Facebook? Keep me posted...oh yeah, hung out with Shane recently. He wants to stay in contact with me this time, he says now! Love ya!

  2. Eve--amazed at how your inspirations come to life! wonderful creations.

  3. Oh they are very cute!! I love Alice's hair!!!

  4. So cute and sweetly rendered, all of them. I love your work.

  5. LOVE EM! I like that blue hair and the MOOD! lol very nice work!

  6. Awesome job! Love the 2 different types of Alice.

  7. I love the twist of combining aspects of the hatter and the rabbit in your dolls. They are both so different....and lovely!

  8. Your Alices are wonderful... so filled with personality. I think Alice the White Rabbit is my favorite.

  9. 2 Alice dolls!!! Yeaaahhhyyyyyy :))))))))))

    Alice the white rabbit is my favorite too!!! Love emm ears...eeem hair :)))

    You managed to make completely different with each other too! Very unique and beautiful!


  10. awesome dolls, the rabbit is too cute =)

  11. These are both so charming and fun...that rabbit Alice is too cute!

  12. I really enjoy the "what if" personalities you gave you dolls. The are both beautiful.

  13. They're both Fantastic...I love your Mad Alice but I love more The Alice white Rabbit...she's sooo lovely and tender and rabbit is sooooo cute I wan to hug him! You've made an amazing job on their dresses too...Wonderful style and colors!!

  14. Love the two sides of Alice, angry and oh so sweet! great job!

  15. Your Alice dolls are wonderful, so cute! The morphing Alice-Rabbit is a hoot!

  16. Aw! I love them all, especially Alice the White Rabbit. Wonderful work!

  17. oh my gosh I love the rabbit!!!

  18. I love the blue hair, her face is amazing. I'm so glad I found your blog, I love your style! New follower :)

  19. Great job on both Alice's.. One is very sweet and the other seems a bit more demanding. great job with the clothes and I l love the blue hair, although I also like the other Alice's hair looking like ears.

  20. How very cute! I love Alice morphing into the white rabbit! Her hair is a riot! Mad Alice is great too! Fantastic eyes!

  21. I can't even imagine being able to make such things!!

  22. Very nice, love your take on it!

  23. These are fantastic! Mad Alice's mad expression is great and I especially dig what you did with Alice the White Rabbit's hair.

  24. I love her blue hair she is quirky and looks a little bit put out. Nice one!!

  25. Wow, so many great components! I honestly love the blue hair, and the way you incorporated the clock into her dress bodice. The white rabbit fabric for Alice's dress- what a great touch. So very creative all around. HUGE KUDOS!

  26. Beautiful cloth dolls! Mad Alice looks like a feisty one ;) I love the Alice Rabbit-hair!

  27. Oh they are both beautiful! fantastic workmanship.

  28. Your dolls are real little cuties! I love the idea of mixing the characteristics of each protagonist in the dolls.Very clever.

  29. "Alice the White Rabbit" is so creative. You did a wonderful job, but Mad Alice is just rockin' in her stripey bloomers! Just the kind of Alice I'd like to have at my Tea Party.

  30. They are so Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeay :-)

  31. Thank you everyone for your friendly, encouraging comments. The "Madness" and rabbit aspects both evolved as the dolls were being made. My dolls always finish in a way that surprises me.

  32. These are such creative interpretations of Alice, they are wonderful! I especially like the white rabbit Alice and her precious little friend!

  33. Oh both dolls are adorable :)

  34. re lindas tus dolls!!!
    I hope see more! english again! ^_^U

  35. Alice seems to be popular right now. I just saw this yesterday and was reminded of it when I saw your doll. Love the blue!
